Monday, February 22, 2010

Markle Mill

This plack is to help us remember Markle Mill. It has since burned down, but in it's hayday it was one of the biggest mills. It is located on otter creek. This mill was all natural power something that we should consider getting back into. Otter Creek is still there and flowing and we are not taking advantage of it because the mill burned down.

Markle Mill was owned and ran by Charles Hansel in 1816. The mill ground wheat and corn without the assistance of machines. The mill didn't modernize until 1927 and it was all run by machines. Before that it had been in constant work run by it's free fuel before machines ever came through the doors. It is a great landmark here in Terre Haute and it's one that we should work to restore.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Greek Life

I am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi here at Indiana State University. I have recently taken a project under my belt to redue some of our photo albums. The other day as I was going through them with our chapter advisory I was so excited to see not only the history of my sorority unfold before my eyes but also so very exciting events that no longer are at ISU. I found some black and white original pictures of Parsons Hall and the old womans dormatory. I asked so many questions while looking through some of these books dating back to the early 1950's. I found out that our campus use to have a campus review at the end of every year and the cool thing was it use to be put in the star along with being in the school news paper. Now why is it that we have let traditions go like that? The picture that I hope to get permission to scan are so cool. Greek life here on campus you to be such a big deal more so than it is now. Home coming was also a bigger deal back in the "day". The floats were amazing to the point that it is hard for me to describe them in words, but I'll try. Picture rose bowl parade and that is a close glimpse of what these floats use to look like.
I am just so excited to continue to go through these books. As I get further into them and see if I am able to scan these pictures or not then you guys will also be able to see what I get to. It just totally made my day when I found all that stuff. So get excited!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rose Orphan Home

This is a picture of the Rose Orphan home. This beautiful building was on a 20 acre sprawl on what is now 25th street and wabash. As you can probably guess this building and all the other ones on the land no longer stand. At one point in time this orphan home housed around 150 children and was recognized as one of the top 10 children's institutes in America. This home was built in 1884 and was torn down in 1949 to make room for what now stands there. We got rid of this stuff for a Kroger and Starbucks and everything else that is over there. I'm going on a adventure tomorrow after work to get pictures of where this use to stand. I finally figure out how to get the pictures to work and I can't wait to dig into this one and get more up for you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Promoting ISU

On my drive back to Terre Haute on Sunday I noticed that there is only one sign promoting Indiana State. The one sign we have is about our national championship title in cross country. That is the only sign we have coming into Terre Haute. Rose Hulman has two driving in that say they are number one in the nation for the eleventh year in a row. Please tell me why we don't have more signs promoting ISU? I'm honestly sad that we don't have more saying hey come here we have a lot to offer you. I hope as elections for a new student government president is coming up that we can push to get more information out there about Indiana State instead of just the one road sign that we have.